EU Aid Volunteers: Volunteering Opportunities for European Citizens from Alianza por la Solidaridad
Author: Főadmin Date: 2017. április 20., csütörtök 15:18
EU Aid Volunteers: Volunteering Opportunities for European Citizens from Alianza por la Solidaridad
Alianza por la Solidaridad Along with its partners GVC, La Guilde and Action Aid Hellas, launches the project “European citizens active in response to humanitarian challenges – VOL4AID”within the EU Aid Volunteers initiative. Its objective is to complement ongoing humanitarian relief operations, with the support of volunteers to be deployed in 2017 and on-line volunteers to be incorporated in 2018, which will strengthen the work and capacities of local organisations in third countries.
The volunteer places offered are for junior and senior volunteers, with a duration of 1, 2, 6, 12 or 18 months, and in subjects such as finance, communication, human resources, climate change, gender, project monitoring, livelihoods, resilience building, nutrition, social protection, disaster risk prevention, awareness and education, organisational development, and more.
Apply now!
Here you can see the offers (do not forget that for your application to be valid, you must fill out the form, attach a CV, motivation letter and a self-assessment that you can download on the offer page itself).
- Senior Volunteer in Gender issues in Colombia [VOL4AID_COL_GEN_SR]
- Senior Volunteer in Communication (visibility, public relations, and advocacy), in Colombia [VOL4AID_COL_COM_SR]
- Senior Volunteer for Project monitoring and evaluation in Colombia [VOL4AID_COL_MEV_SR]
- Junior Volunteer for Communication (visibility, public relations, and advocacy) in Colombia [VOL4AID_COL_COM_JR]
- Senior Volunteer in Livelihoods in Colombia [VOL4AID_COL_LVH_SR]
- Senior Volunteer Climate change adaptation and ecosystem – based management, Colombia [VOL4AID_COL_ECO_SR]
- Senior Volunteer for Capacity Building on Gender issues, Colombia [VOL4AID_COL_GENcb_SR]
- Senior Volunteer for Capacity Building on Awareness raising and education, Colombia [VOL4AID_COL_AWRcb_SR]
- Senior Volunteer for Capacity Building on Communication, Colombia [VOL4AID_COL_COMcb_SR]
- Senior Volunteer in Climate change adaptation and ecosystem – based management, Ecuador [VOL4AID_ECU_ECO_SR]
- Junior Volunteers for Human resources management and learning, Ecuador [VOL4AID_ECU_HR_JR]
- Junior Volunteer in Communication including visibility, public relations and advocacy, Ecuador [VOL4AID_ECU_COM_JR]
- Senior Volunteer in Finances and Accounting [VOL4AID_ECU_FIN_SR]
- Senior Volunteer for Capacity building in Gender issues, Ecuador [VOL4AID_ECU_GENcb_SR]
- Senior Volunteer in Finances and Accounting [VOL4AID_HT_FIN_SR]
- Senior Volunteer in Food Security and Nutrition in Haiti [VOL4AID_HT_FOD_SR]
- Senior Volunteer for Resilience Building in Haiti [VOL4AID_HT_RES_SR]
- Senior Volunteer for Capacity Building on Gender Issues in Haiti [VOL4AID_HT_GENcb_SR]
- Senior Volunteer for Capacity Building in Livelihoods, Haiti [VOL4AID_HT_LVHcb_SR]
- Junior Volunteer in Gender Issues in Haiti [ALI_HTI_GEN_JR]
- Senior Volunteer in Communication in Haiti [ALI_HTI_COM_SR]
- Junior Volunteer for Communication in Senegal [VOL4AID_SEN_COM_JR]
- Senior Volunteer for Social Protection and Safety Nets in Senegal [VOL4AID_SEN_PRO_SR]
- Senior Volunteer for Food, Nutrition and Health Resilience Building in Senegal [VOL4AID_SEN_FOD_SR]
- Senior Volunteer for Livelihoods in Senegal [VOL4AID_SEN_LVH_SR]
- Senior Volunteer for Capacity Building on Gender issues, Senegal [VOL4AID_SEN_GENcb_SR]
- Senior Volunteer in GBV Protection and Project Cycle Management in Jordan [ALI_JOR_PRO_SR]
- Junior Volunteer in Financial and Admin Support in Jordan [ALI_JOR_ADM_JR]
- Junior Volunteer for Communication in Nicaragua [ALI_NIC_COM_JR]
- Junior Volunteer for Gender Issues in Nicaragua [ALI_NIC_GEN_JR]
Good luck in your applications!
Love without borders
Workers of HBAid in Tacloban again
Five months after the typhoon in Tacloban (Philippines) and its surrounding areas, Hungarian Baptist Aid (HBAid) is rebuilding a school and a kindergarten that were damaged, distributing water purification systems for families, and helping injured children.