EU Aid Volunteers: new opportunities for organisations in 2017
Author: Főadmin Date: 2017. május 04., csütörtök 14:00
EU Aid Volunteers brings together volunteers and organisations to provide practical support to humanitarian aid projects and contribute to strengthening the local capacity and resilience of disaster-affected communities. As an organisation working with volunteers to support local communities in responding to disaster, EU Aid Volunteers can help in your work.
The 2017 EU Aid Volunteers calls for proposals have been published. Please read the calls carefully to check your organisation's eligibility and to learn more about how to apply. Projects must be submitted by project consortia, please read the calls to learn more.
In 2017, EU Aid Volunteers will support:
- The selection, training and deployment of volunteers in vulnerable and disaster-affected communities in third countries (maximum €1,400,000 per project);
- Capacity-building and technical assistance projects for EU-based sending organisations and hosting organisations in third countries, in areas such as disaster risk management, humanitarian aid, resilience building, and volunteer management (maximum €700,000 per project).
There are two important deadlines:
We expect your application by 6 June 2017, 12:00 Brussels time for the EU Aid Volunteers deployment call, which will enable you to deploy European EU Aid Volunteers (please submit your documents for certification by 12 May 2017, if possible).
We expect your application by 3 July 2017, 12:00 Brussels time for the technical assistance and capacity-building support call.
For more information about EU Aid Volunteers, visit EU Aid Volunteers' website.
Source: EU Aid Volunteers
Love without borders
Workers of HBAid in Tacloban again
Five months after the typhoon in Tacloban (Philippines) and its surrounding areas, Hungarian Baptist Aid (HBAid) is rebuilding a school and a kindergarten that were damaged, distributing water purification systems for families, and helping injured children.