Hungarian robotics
Author: Főadmin Date: 2015. április 30., csütörtök 14:48
From the poorest region of Hungary, from the Kazinczy Ferenc Baptist Primary School in Nyírbogdány, three girls traveled to Brazil to the Robotics World Championship. Nóra Papcsák, Ágnes Jakab, Fanni Poór and their coach Csaba Abán came in forth of twenty-nine teams from twenty countries in the category of emergency rescue at the competition. The then seventh graders have been learning about robotics for four years now; in IT classes and later, in extracurricular classes they have learnt programming and also building robots.
Robotics does not have a long history in the school; by the way, until the summer of 2011 they had not even heard about such thing. Then, there was a 200,000 HUF surplus from a tender of a talent development program, and the headmaster, Szilágyiné Sinka Zsuzsanna, asked her colleagues how they could spend this money wisely. Csaba Abán, the IT teacher’s idea won so the school bought two technical Lego sets. Then a little miracle happened: the first robotics-programming class was organized in September, and since then the students from Nyírbogdány have won almost all the national competitions they entered. When it was asked in Nyírbogdány, why do the girls learn programming, they answered, because boys would rather play soccer. “We try to support all kinds of talents, that is the reason why we financed the traveling costs of the girls to the Championship in Brazil. By winning the forth place, they defeated teams with the most advanced technologies like Japan, USA, and South Korea. This is a fantastic result, Mr. Csaba Abán has done excellent, professional work as a teacher, said Sándor Szenczy, President of HBAid.”
But the team has not rested since then: in April 2015, the international competition, called RobotChallenge, took place in Vienna. There, the robots were made of iron, plastic or Lego, and were built in different, specific ways: rescue, sumo, line-following robots, and even flying ones were presented. The girls entered the Lego sumo competition with five robots. The robots were programmed by Nóra Papcsák, Ágnes Jakab and Fanni Poór; Csaba Abán led the team in the capital city of Austria. At the international competition, from the seventy-two robots of fifty countries, three of the girls’ robots finished in the top 16.
Then, it did not take long to get great news; shortly after the competition in Vienna, in the novice category of the so-called Rescue A Primary, Lili Poór with a perfect race, a hundred percent performance, became the Hungarian champion. In the advanced category, Nóra Papcsák, Ágnes Jakab and Fanni Poór with a perfect, hundred percent performance became the bests in the country. Thus, for the fourth time, the team from Kazinczy Primary School earned the right to represent Hungary in the World Championship in 2015.
Balatonföldvár-Roma Bible School
Balatonföldvár-Hungarian Baptist Aid organized a training for Roma pastors from September 24th-29th. The program will continue in January in the city by the lake.
’Anne Frank – History for Today’ exhibition opened
On the afternoon of September 10th, ’Anne Frank – History for Today’ travelling exhibition opened on the 70th anniversary of the Holocaust at Vendéglátó, Idegenforgalmi és Kereskedelmi Baptista Középiskola és Szakiskola (in English: Baptist Secondary School and Vocational School of Catering, Tourism and Trade).